“ It is not doubt but certainty that drives one insane “

Japan is certainly not the only country with a fuzzy stance on figures and announcements from public authorities, but still…to use doubt is certainly a way to have people/population go for the self-restrain the government is not able to mandate.
After figures, key words are in trend : following “LOCKDOWN”, “TOKYO ALERT “is the new message Tokyo Governor Koike is promoting, together with red lighting of landmarks (as Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and Rainbow Bridge) in order to keep the population cautious in their coming to “NEW NORMAL” life (“We need a new approach to resume our daily social and economic activity” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe).
All having a quite vague and very changing explication, leaving each and everyone to define it in its own terms and standards.
It does seem to be working, in Japan anyway.
THE JAPAN EXCEPTION ? (07/06/2020)